DPD Reino Unido

Servicio de entrega express internacional


Rastreo de paquetes, envíos y entregas de «DPD Reino Unido»

Con la aplicación Parcels, puede averiguar fácilmente la ubicación exacta de sus paquetes o envíos entregados por DPD Reino Unido.

Parcels on iPhone and Android

Descarga la aplicación Parcels para iPhone o Android para saber siempre dónde están tus paquetes y recibe notificaciones Push cuando cambia el seguimiento de paquetes.

DPD Reino Unido estados de seguimiento

Estado Description
Your parcel has been delivered
Your parcel is on the vehicle for delivery
The parcel is in transit on its way to its final destination.
Ready for collection SMS sent successfully
Ready for collection SMS confirmed as received
Ready for collection Email sent successfully
Your parcel is ready for you to collect from your DPD Pickup Shop, signed for by
We were unable to deliver your parcel Track your parcel here for regular updates
Unable to Deliver
Your parcel will now be delivered to your nearest DPD Pickup shop
Your parcel will be with you today
Your parcel has arrived at our Gloucester depot
Your parcel has arrived at our Stoke depot
We have your parcel, and it's on its way to our Stoke depot
Your parcel has left the United Kingdom and is on its way to Singapore
We've received your order details, but have not yet received your parcel
We have your parcel, and it's on its way to our Castlereagh depot
We've received your order details, and we're expecting your parcel shortly
Sorted by distribution centre
We have your parcel, and it's on its way to our Athlone depot
The parcel is in transit on its journey to local delivery destination. Track your parcel here for regular updates.
Your parcel has left the United Kingdom and is on its way to Italy
We have your parcel and it's on its way to our depot

by tisunov