Faryaa Panasia

Perusahaan logistik


Cek Resi Faryaa Panasia paket dan pengiriman

Parcels adalah aplikasi iOS dan Android, yang akan membantu Anda melacak pengiriman yang dilakukan oleh Faryaa Panasia.

Parcels on iPhone and Android

Unduh aplikasi Parcels untuk iPhone atau Android untuk selalu tahu di mana paket Anda, dan dapatkan pemberitahuan Push saat pelacakan paket berubah.

Faryaa Panasia status pelacakan

Status Deskripsi
Parcel arrival at London, United Kingdom
Parcel is leaving Hong Kong Airport
Parcel arrive in HongKong Sorting Centre
Parcel departure in Shenzhen Sorting Centre
Sent to HongKong Sorting Centre
Parcel arrived at the airport.
Parcel is in clearance
Arrived at Hongkong Sorting Centre
Parcel in HongKong Sorting Centre, Waiting for flights
Departed Hongkong Sorting Centre
Parcel is leaving Hong Kong Airport
Parcel arrival at Prague , Czech
Customs clearance processing complete
Send to destination
Sent to HongKong Sorting Centre
Arrived at Sort Facility waiting for customs clearance
Parcel transiting to Germany
DE Order Processed: Ready for UPS
Parcel in chengdu Sorting Centre, Waiting for flights
DE Order Processed: Ready for UPS
Parcel arrival at Alashankou,China,The train will arrive at the next station in 3-4 days,Kazalinsk,Kazakhstan
Parcel arrival at Kazalinsk,Kazakhstan ,The train will arrive at the next station in 3-4 days, Brest, Belarus
Shipment in transit-delivered to destination country.
estimate deliver in one week
arrived French operation Center,ready for delivery
Parcel transiting to France
Parcel transiting to Itlay
The parcel has been announced electronically to Hermes.
The parcel has not yet arrived at the Hermes depot Northeim

by tisunov