Fastway Australia

Empresa de mensajería

Rastreo de paquetes, envíos y entregas de «Fastway Australia»

Paquetes es iOS y la aplicación de Android, que le ayudará a realizar un seguimiento de los envíos entregados por Fastway Australia.

Parcels on iPhone and Android

Descarga la aplicación Parcels para iPhone o Android para saber siempre dónde están tus paquetes y recibe notificaciones Push cuando cambia el seguimiento de paquetes.

Fastway Australia estados de seguimiento

Estado Description
Your shipping information has been submitted to Aramex (formerly Fastway Couriers).
Your parcel is being sorted for delivery. We’ll update you when your parcel is on its way to the delivery destination.
Our courier was unable to deliver the parcel as the address provided is unclear. The parcel has been returned to the depot to obtain new delivery instructions.
Your parcel has been returned to sender as we were unable to complete the delivery. Contact the sender for further details.
Your parcel is currently in transit.
Your shipping information has been approved.
Your parcel has been received at Sydney depot.
Your parcel has been picked up by one of our couriers.
We've delivered your parcel to a Parcel Connect agent for you to collect. Please bring your calling card and some identification to collect your parcel from the address below.
Your parcel has been collected from your local Parcel Connect collection point.
Your parcel is with your local courier and ready for delivery.

by tisunov