Canada Post wird weltweit führend bei der Bereitstellung innovativer physischer und elektronischer Lieferlösungen sein, die Mehrwert für unsere Kunden, Mitarbeiter und alle Kanadier schaffen. Der Aufbau und die Pflege vertrauensvoller Beziehungen zu Mitarbeitern, Kunden, Partnern, Lieferanten und unserem Aktionär ist von grundlegender Bedeutung für unser Geschäft, unseren Ruf und unseren Erfolg. Eine ethische Führung, die von einem Gefühl sozialer Verantwortung geleitet wird, ist nicht nur eine gute Geschäftspraxis. es ist das Richtige zu tun. Wie alle großen Organisationen steht die Post oft vor Herausforderungen, die schwierige Entscheidungen erfordern. Die Kanada-Verhaltenskodex erläutert das Verhalten, das von Mitarbeitern auf allen Ebenen des Unternehmens erwartet wird, und informiert darüber, wo zusätzliche Hilfe zu finden ist.
Pakete App ermöglicht es Ihnen, das Senden von Kanada Post, sowie alle Pakete aus China, Hong Kong, Singapur, mit AliExpress, Joom, GearBest, BangGood, Taobao, eBay, und anderen beliebten Online-Shops zu verfolgen.
Status | Description |
In transit | |
Delivered | |
Item accepted | |
Notice card left indicating where and when to pick up item | |
Item has arrived in Canada and was sent for further processing | |
Item on hold | |
Item presented to customs | |
International item has left originating country and is en route to Canada | |
Item picked up by Canada Post | |
Shipment picked up by Canada Post | |
Item has been presented to Canada Border Services Agency for customs review | |
International item processed in originating country | |
International item released from Customs for processing by Canada Post | |
Electronic information submitted by shipper | |
Item has been sent to customs in the destination country | |
International item mailed in originating country | |
Extreme weather conditions at this location; item delayed | |
International item is in transit to the delivery office | |
International Item being prepared for export | |
International item being forwarded to destination country | |
International item has been forwarded onwards to destination | |
Signature image recorded for Online viewing | |
Item has arrived at the delivery office in the destination country | |
Customs has released item to post office | |
Item accepted at the Post Office | |
International item has arrived at transit destination | |
Item out for delivery | |
Item successfully delivered | |
International shipment has arrived in a foreign country | |
Business closed for the day. Item on hold for second delivery attempt | |
Item being returned to sender. Incomplete address | |
Item processed | |
Verifying recipient's address; Possible delay | |
Attempted delivery. Notice card left indicating where item can be picked up | |
Item rescheduled for delivery next business day | |
Item arrived | |
Item arrived at the Undeliverable Mail Office. Please contact Cust Service | |
Item available for pickup at Post Office | |
Item redirected to recipient's new address | |
Item departed | |
Item re-routed due to processing error; Possible delay | |
Item has arrived in foreign country | |
Delivered to community mailbox or parcel locker | |
Item was released by Customs and is now with Canada Post for processing | |
Item in transit to Post Office | |
Item has been released by Customs | |
Delivered to community mailbox, parcel locker or apt./condo mailbox | |
Delivered to community mailbox, parcel locker or apt./condo mailbox | |
In transit | |
Item processed |
by tisunov