Hongkong Post

Nationaler Postdienst

(852) 2921 2222 hongkongpost.hk/en/home/index.html

Hongkong Post Sendungsverfolgung für Pakete und Briefe

Gegründet 1841, genießt Hongkong Post ein stolzes Erbe und eine lange Geschichte des Dienstes der Gemeinschaft von Hong Kong. Seit der Tätigkeit als Trading Fund im Jahr 1995 ist es der Hongkong Post gelungen, sich als dynamische, kundenorientierte und marktorientierte Serviceorganisation neu zu erfinden. Wir haben unser umfangreiches Einzelhandels- und Vertriebsnetzwerk und eine starke Marke genutzt und sind über die klassische Post hinaus gewachsen, um ein breites und umfassendes Dienstleistungsangebot in der logistischen Lieferkette zu bieten und gleichzeitig neue Märkte zu erschließen. Wir verpflichten uns, zugängliche, zuverlässige und preiswerte Postdienste bereitzustellen. Ich hoffe, diese Homepage wird Sie mit benutzerfreundlichen und interaktiven Tools versorgen, die nicht nur Informationen über Postdienste und Produkte enthalten, sondern auch unseren Unternehmenszweck, unsere Vision, unsere Mission und unsere Werte. Darüber hinaus können Sie über unser ShopThruPost Einkaufszentrum auch unsere speziell ausgewählten Souvenirs, Post- und Philatelieprodukte erwerben.

Mit der App "Pakete" können Sie den Status und den Standort Ihres von Hongkong Post gelieferten Pakets verfolgen.

Parcels on iPhone and Android

Parcel App herunterladen für iPhone oder Android immer wissen, wo sich Ihre Pakete befinden, und Push-Benachrichtigungen erhalten, wenn sich die Paketverfolgung ändert.

Hongkong Post Tracking-Zustände

Status Description
In transit
left Hong Kong for its destination
Sender is preparing item for posting
The item was posted on 5-Jul-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item was in transit within its destination
The item is being processed for departure from Hong Kong
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 18-Jul
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 24-Jun
The item arrived at delivery office on 3-Jun
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 30-Apr
The item was tendered for delivery on 2-Jul-2016 without success
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 18-May
The item was posted on 14-Jul-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 17-Jun
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 11-Jul
The item was posted on 4-Jun-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item arrived at TURKEY on 10-Jun
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 22-Jul
The item was tendered for delivery on 30-Apr-2016 without success
The item was posted on 30-Jul-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item was delivered on 5-Jul
The item was posted on 15-Jul-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item arrived at delivery office on 18-Jul-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item was delivered on 29-Mar
The item was delivered on 3-Jun
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 12-Jul
The item was tendered for delivery on 22-Jul-2016 without success
The item was posted on 7-Jul-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item was posted on 16-Jul-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item was delivered on 19-Jul
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 6-Jun
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 11-Jul
The item was delivered on 3-May
The item arrived at delivery office on 2-Aug
The item arrived at BELARUS on 7-Jul
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 20-Apr
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 16-Jul
The item was posted on 7-Jun-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item was delivered on 4-Jul
The item was delivered on 23-Jul
The item was posted on 8-Jul-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 31-May
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 17-Jul
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Aug
The item was delivered on 13-Jul
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 25-Jun
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 10-Jun
The item was posted on 5-May-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item was posted on 12-Jul-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item was posted on 27-Jul-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item arrived at delivery office on 2-Jul
The item was tendered for delivery on 14-Jun-2016 without success
The item was posted on 9-Jul-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item arrived at FRANCE on 16-Jul
The item was posted on 3-Aug-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item arrived at delivery office on 20-Jul
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 25-Jun
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 26-Apr
The item arrived at processing centre
The item was tendered for delivery on 3-May-2016 without success
The item was posted on 28-Jul-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item was returned to sender on 4-Jun
The item was posted on 10-Jun-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item was tendered for delivery on 22-Jul-2016 without success
The item was posted on 21-Jul-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 27-Jun
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 22-Apr
The item was tendered for delivery on 1-Jul-2016 without success
The item was posted on 28-Jul-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item was tendered for delivery on 8-Jul-2016 without success
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 3-Jun
The item was delivered on 13-Jul
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Jun
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Apr
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 4-Jul
The item you enquire is already beyond the enquiry period. We are unable to provide you with further information. We are sorry for the inconvenience caused.\nEnquiry of Speedpost item should be made within 3 months from the posting date. Enquiry period fo
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 28-Jul
The item was posted on 14-Jun-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item arrived at AZERBAIJAN on 27-Jun
The item was posted on 4-Jul-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item was posted on 16-May-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item arrived at delivery office on 27-Jul
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 24-Jun
The item arrived at delivery office on 2-Jun-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item was posted on 14-Jun-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item arrived at delivery office on 20-Jul
The item was posted on 29-Apr-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 2-Nov-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 4-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 25-Oct-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 7-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
The item was delivered on 30-Aug-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Dec-2016
The item was delivered on 3-Dec-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 3-Oct
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Nov-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 3-Nov-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 8-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 26-Oct-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-Sep
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 7-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Oct-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 13-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item was tendered for delivery on 12-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Nov-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 7-Oct
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 22-Sep
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 8-Dec-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 17-Sep-2016 without success
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 8-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 1-Sep
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Oct
The item was tendered for delivery on 11-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
iMail bag was accepted on 12-Oct-2016; items to be scanned
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 5-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 3-Nov-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 18-Sep
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 8-Dec-2016
The item was posted on 1-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 13-Dec-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 1-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 4-Dec-2016
The item was posted on 24-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item arrived at HONG KONG on 2-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 8-Dec-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 28-Sep
iMail bag was accepted on 15-Aug-2016; items to be scanned
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 4-Nov-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 27-Sep
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 9-Sep
The item was tendered for delivery on 3-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 26-Oct-2016
The item arrived at delivery office on 14-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 6-Oct
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Nov-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 10-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 4-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 30-Oct-2016
The item arrived at delivery office on 14-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 10-Oct
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 11-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 27-Oct-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 8-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item arrived at delivery office on 5-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Nov-2016
The item was posted on 8-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 13-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 26-Nov-2016
The item arrived at delivery office and is being processed for delivery to the addressee as of 10-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Oct-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 30-Oct-2016
The item was posted on 14-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 1-Dec-2016
The item was posted on 8-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 7-Aug
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 9-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Nov-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 26-Sep
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 2-Nov-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 29-Oct-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016
The item was delivered on 31-Aug-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 10-Oct
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 24-Aug
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 15-Dec-2016
The item was delivered on 3-Nov-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 30-Sep
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 9-Dec-2016
The item was posted on 18-Aug-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 3-Nov-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 29-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Oct-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 28-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 1-Nov-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 25-Sep
The item left Hong Kong for its destination on 3-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 27-Oct-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 31-Aug-2016 without success
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 1-Dec-2016
The item was delivered on 26-Aug-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 13-Dec-2016
The item arrived at delivery office on 3-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item was tendered for delivery on 9-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 25-Nov-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 1-Oct
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Nov-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016
The item was delivered on 26-Oct-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 4-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 23-Oct-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 1-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 4-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Nov-2016
The item was posted on 7-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item was delivered on 26-Nov-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 28-Nov-2016
The item arrived at delivery office on 16-Sep
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 8-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Oct-2016
The item was posted on 15-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item was posted on 14-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-Oct
Item returned to sender
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 1-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 12-Oct
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 2-Dec-2016
The item arrived at delivery office and is being processed for delivery to the addressee as of 31-Oct-2016
The item was posted on 22-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item was delivered on 7-Dec-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 31-Oct-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016
The item was posted on 22-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item was delivered on 9-Nov-2016
The item arrived at delivery office on 10-Oct
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 12-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 30-Sep
The item arrived at delivery office on 13-Aug
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 3-Nov-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 14-Sep-2016 without success
The item was tendered for delivery on 28-Oct-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 3-Nov-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 9-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 4-Dec-2016
The item was delivered on 22-Oct-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 10-Dec-2016
The item arrived at delivery office on 5-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
iMail bag was accepted on 1-Sep-2016; items to be scanned
The item was tendered for delivery on 8-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 30-Oct-2016
The item was posted on 15-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
The item arrived at delivery office on 12-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 28-Oct-2016
The item was posted on 10-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 8-Oct
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Dec-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 29-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item arrived at delivery office and is being processed for delivery to the addressee as of 5-Oct
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 28-Nov-2016
The item has been handed over to air carrier on 21-Sep-2016 for departure
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 10-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Oct-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 19-Sep
The item was delivered on 2-Dec-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 29-Oct-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 11-Oct
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 2-Dec-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 7-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 7-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016
The item was delivered on 12-Sep-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 12-Dec-2016
The item was posted on 3-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
iMail bag was accepted on 21-Aug-2016; items to be scanned
The item arrived at delivery office on 13-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 4-Nov-2016
The item was delivered on 30-Sep
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 9-Dec-2016
The item was posted on 18-Aug-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 8-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Oct-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 2-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 28-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 9-Dec-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 6-Sep-2016 without success
The item was delivered on 4-Oct-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 14-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 6-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 27-Aug
The item was delivered on 12-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 5-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Nov-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 15-Sep
The item was delivered on 27-Oct-2016
The item was delivered on 13-Sep
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 28-Oct-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 8-Oct
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 22-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 31-Oct-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 19-Sep-2016 without success
The item arrived at delivery office on 6-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 29-Nov-2016 without success because it was wrongly directed. The item is being forwarded or redirected
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-Oct
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 9-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 2-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 31-Oct-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 8-Dec-2016
The item arrived at delivery office on 14-Oct-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 2-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 24-Oct
The item was delivered on 5-Nov-2016
The item was posted on 20-Aug-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016
The item was posted on 29-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item was delivered on 1-Nov-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016
The item arrived at delivery office on 1-Nov-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 12-Sep
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 28-Oct-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 14-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 9-Sep
The item was tendered for delivery on 1-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item was posted on 25-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item was tendered for delivery on 12-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 10-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 4-Oct
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 4-Dec-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 14-Sep-2016 without success
The item arrived at delivery office on 30-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 30-Oct-2016
The item arrived at delivery office on 2-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item was delivered on 6-Dec-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 10-Sep-2016 without success
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 26-Oct-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 9-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 10-Oct
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Nov-2016
The item was delivered on 5-Oct
The item was tendered for delivery on 9-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 11-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 1-Nov-2016
The item was delivered on 19-Aug
The item was tendered for delivery on 29-Aug-2016 without success
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 7-Dec-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 12-Oct
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 9-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Nov-2016
The item arrived at delivery office on 11-Oct
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Aug
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 2-Dec-2016
The item was delivered on 3-Dec-2016
The item arrived at BELARUS on 1-Nov-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 24-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 5-Sep-2016 without success
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 4-Dec-2016
The item was delivered on 16-Sep-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 2-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 5-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016
The item was posted on 20-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 25-Aug
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 8-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 10-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 4-Nov-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 2-Nov-2016
The item was posted on 27-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016
The item arrived at HONG KONG on 2-Nov-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 27-Oct-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 8-Sep
The item was delivered on 5-Oct-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 4-Dec-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 3-Oct
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 9-Dec-2016
The item was delivered on 6-Aug-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 13-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Oct-2016
The item was posted on 13-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item arrived at delivery office on 3-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 25-Oct-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Nov-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 7-Oct
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 8-Dec-2016
iMail bag was accepted on 21-Sep-2016; items to be scanned
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 8-Dec-2016
The item was posted on 31-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item was tendered for delivery on 12-Sep-2016 without success
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
iMail bag was accepted on 31-Aug-2016; items to be scanned
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 1-Dec-2016
The item was posted on 15-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 12-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 3-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Sep
The item was posted on 6-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item was delivered on 9-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 12-Dec-2016
The item was posted on 1-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item was posted on 23-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item was posted on 7-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item was tendered for delivery on 5-Sep-2016 without success
The item was delivered on 14-Nov-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 15-Dec-2016
The item was posted on 3-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 11-Dec-2016
The item was posted on 17-Aug-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item was posted on 3-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item arrived at delivery office on 27-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 2-Nov-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 12-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 5-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 26-Oct-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 9-Sep
The item was delivered on 25-Oct-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 13-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 28-Nov-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 13-Dec-2016
iMail bag was accepted on 28-Aug-2016; items to be scanned
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 26-Nov-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 2-Oct
The item was posted on 29-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 16-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 29-Oct-2016
The item arrived at delivery office on 22-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 5-Dec-2016
The item was delivered on 27-Oct-2016
The item was delivered on 18-Oct-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 12-Dec-2016
iMail bag was accepted on 7-Sep-2016; items to be scanned
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 20-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 8-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 1-Nov-2016
The item arrived at delivery office on 5-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item was tendered for delivery on 29-Aug-2016 without success
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 15-Oct
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-Dec-2016
The item arrived at delivery office on 19-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item was posted on 12-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item was delivered on 20-Jul
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-Dec-2016
The item arrived at delivery office and is being processed for delivery to the addressee as of 1-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016
The item was posted on 1-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016
The item was delivered on 7-Oct-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 14-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 21-Oct
The item arrived at delivery office on 10-Aug
The item arrived at delivery office on 10-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 5-Nov-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 9-Dec-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 12-Oct
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 12-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 1-Dec-2016
The item was delivered on 6-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 3-Nov-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 26-Sep-2016 without success
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 8-Dec-2016
The item was posted on 1-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item was tendered for delivery on 25-Oct-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 12-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Nov-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 3-Oct
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Nov-2016
The item was delivered on 19-Oct-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 26-Oct-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 11-Dec-2016
The item was delivered on 7-Oct
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 23-Sep
The item was tendered for delivery on 31-Oct-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 21-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016
The item was posted on 1-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 28-Oct-2016
The item was posted on 15-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-Oct
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Nov-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 12-Oct
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 1-Dec-2016
The item was posted on 24-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 11-Dec-2016
The item was posted on 1-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item was posted on 7-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item arrived at delivery office on 29-Oct-2016
The item was posted on 24-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item was posted on 3-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item was posted on 3-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item was posted on 14-Sep
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 30-Sep
The item arrived at delivery office on 2-Nov-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Oct-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 12-Sep
The item arrived at delivery office on 3-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Dec-2016
The item was delivered on 25-Oct-2016
The item was posted on 15-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 3-Oct
The item was posted on 12-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item arrived at delivery office on 29-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 2-Oct
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 30-Oct-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Sep
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 19-Aug
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 27-Sep
The item was delivered on 19-Oct-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 6-Dec-2016
The item was delivered on 7-Oct-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016
The item arrived at KAZAKHSTAN on 10-Sep
The item was posted on 5-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 8-Oct
The item was tendered for delivery on 14-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 1-Dec-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 11-Dec-2016
The item was posted on 20-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 11-Dec-2016
The item arrived at delivery office on 19-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 31-Aug
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 5-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 15-Oct
The item was delivered on 1-Dec-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 11-Oct
The item arrived at delivery office on 4-Aug
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 24-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 1-Nov-2016
iMail bag was accepted on 15-Sep-2016; items to be scanned
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 1-Nov-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 5-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016
The item was delivered on 13-Sep-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 4-Sep
The item arrived at delivery office on 3-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 20-Oct
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 13-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 4-Nov-2016
The item was delivered on 31-Aug
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 11-Oct
The item arrived at delivery office on 13-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 13-Aug
The item was tendered for delivery on 6-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item was delivered on 8-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 1-Nov-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 25-Oct-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
The item was delivered on 20-Jul-2016
The item was posted on 3-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 14-Sep
The item was delivered on 26-Aug
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 29-Nov-2016
The item arrived at delivery office on 8-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item arrived at delivery office on 14-Sep
The item was delivered on 19-Oct-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 28-Oct-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 10-Oct
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Nov-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 13-Dec-2016
The item arrived at delivery office on 17-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 31-Oct-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 20-Sep
The item was delivered on 5-Dec-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 17-Sep
The item was posted on 29-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item was posted on 15-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-Oct
The item arrived at delivery office on 2-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 31-Oct-2016
The item was returned to sender on 21-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 6-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 1-Nov-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 5-Sep-2016 without success
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 8-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 11-Dec-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 1-Sep
The item was posted on 18-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 24-Aug
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 15-Dec-2016
The item left Hong Kong for its destination on 22-Nov-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 29-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 3-Nov-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 12-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 4-Dec-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 26-Oct-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 4-Dec-2016
The item arrived at delivery office on 24-Oct-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 26-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 6-Oct
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 11-Dec-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 29-Aug
iMail bag was accepted on 25-Nov-2016; items to be scanned
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 2-Oct
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 15-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 5-Nov-2016
The item arrived at TURKEY on 29-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016
The item was posted on 19-Aug-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The addressee requested later delivery. The item is being held at addressee's request
The item left Hong Kong for its destination on 7-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 29-Oct-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 5-Dec-2016
The item left Hong Kong for its destination on 24-Oct-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Dec-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 8-Oct
The item arrived at delivery office on 6-Oct
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 28-Nov-2016
The item arrived at delivery office on 20-Sep
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 1-Nov-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 18-Sep-2016 without success
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Oct-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 11-Oct
The item was tendered for delivery on 1-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 13-Oct
The item was posted on 9-Aug-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 8-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 8-Dec-2016
The item was posted on 24-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 3-Sep-2016 without success
The item was delivered on 6-Sep-2016
The item was delivered on 7-Oct-2016
The item was delivered on 24-Aug
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016
The item was posted on 20-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 8-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 21-Nov-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 14-Aug
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 9-Dec-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 23-Sep-2016 without success
The item arrived at delivery office and is being processed for delivery to the addressee as of 31-Oct-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 11-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 8-Dec-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 12-Oct-2016
The item was posted on 15-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item arrived at delivery office on 7-Sep
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 5-Dec-2016
The item arrived at delivery office on 20-Sep-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Dec-2016
The item arrived at delivery office on 11-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 26-Aug
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 28-Nov-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 10-Dec-2016
The item arrived at delivery office on 3-Nov-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 16-Sep
The item was delivered on 30-Nov-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 30-Oct-2016
The item arrived at delivery office on 13-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 7-Dec-2016
The item was delivered on 5-Sep-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 14-Dec-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 28-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 1-Dec-2016
iMail bag was accepted on 6-Oct-2016; items to be scanned
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 6-Dec-2016
The item was posted on 1-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 21-Sep
The item was posted on 31-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item was posted on 20-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item was delivered on 15-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Oct-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 27-Aug-2016 without success
The item was posted on 6-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 26-Nov-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 12-Oct
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 10-Dec-2016
The item was delivered on 23-Nov-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 10-Oct-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 5-Sep
The item was delivered on 24-Oct
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 5-Sep
The item was tendered for delivery on 2-Dec-2016 without success because it was unclaimed. The item was returned to sender
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 19-Oct
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 4-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 4-Nov-2016
The item was posted on 28-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 7-Dec-2016
The item arrived at delivery office on 3-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 26-Oct-2016
The item arrived at delivery office on 25-Aug
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 26-Oct-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 12-Dec-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 30-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item was delivered on 4-Oct
iMail bag was accepted on 11-Dec-2016; items to be scanned
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Aug
The item arrived at delivery office on 31-Aug
iMail bag was accepted on 25-Aug-2016; items to be scanned
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 13-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Nov-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 28-Sep-2016 without success
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Nov-2016
The item left Hong Kong for its destination on 5-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 28-Oct-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 4-Dec-2016
The item was posted on 7-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Nov-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 13-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 23-Nov-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 16-Sep-2016 without success
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 1-Nov-2016
The item arrived at delivery office on 30-Aug
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 12-Oct
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 12-Dec-2016
The item arrived at delivery office on 30-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 13-Oct
The item was posted on 10-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
iMail bag was accepted on 9-Sep-2016; items to be scanned
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 9-Dec-2016
The item was posted on 1-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
The item was posted on 7-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item was tendered for delivery on 28-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item was delivered on 19-Jul-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 21-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 1-Dec-2016
The item arrived at AZERBAIJAN on 10-Oct
The item was tendered for delivery on 31-Aug-2016 without success
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 18-Oct
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 6-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 30-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Nov-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 27-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016
The item arrived at delivery office on 2-Nov-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 9-Sep
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 8-Dec-2016
The item was delivered on 20-Oct-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Dec-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 3-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item was delivered on 30-Sep-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 3-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item arrived at delivery office on 9-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Nov-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 4-Oct
The item arrived at delivery office and is being processed for delivery to the addressee as of 3-Nov-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 5-Dec-2016
The item was posted on 25-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 15-Sep
The item was delivered on 10-Oct-2016
The item arrived at delivery office and is being processed for delivery to the addressee as of 29-Nov-2016
The item arrived at delivery office on 10-Oct
The item was tendered for delivery on 28-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 6-Oct
The item arrived at delivery office on 3-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016
The item was posted on 1-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item arrived at delivery office on 29-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 2-Oct
The item was tendered for delivery on 17-Sep-2016 without success
The item arrived at delivery office on 29-Oct-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-Oct
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 2-Dec-2016
The item was delivered on 6-Sep
The item was tendered for delivery on 14-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 25-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Oct-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 23-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Oct-2016
The item was delivered on 2-Dec-2016
The item was posted on 25-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 15-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 5-Sep
The item left Hong Kong for its destination on 23-Nov-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 20-Oct
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 27-Sep-2016 without success
The item was delivered on 3-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 3-Nov-2016
The item was delivered on 26-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 2-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item left Hong Kong for its destination on 28-Nov-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 28-Oct-2016
The addressee requested later delivery. The item is being held at addressee's request
The item was tendered for delivery on 5-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item was tendered for delivery on 25-Oct-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 13-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 30-Aug
The item was delivered on 26-Sep-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 13-Dec-2016
The item arrived at delivery office on 31-Aug
The item was delivered on 2-Dec-2016
The item arrived at delivery office on 25-Aug
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 12-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Nov-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 6-Dec-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 27-Oct-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 20-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 28-Oct-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 21-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item was delivered on 8-Oct
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 28-Nov-2016
iMail bag was accepted on 7-Oct-2016; items to be scanned
The item was delivered on 2-Dec-2016
The item arrived at BELARUS on 31-Oct-2016
The item was posted on 30-Aug
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 28-Oct-2016
The item was delivered on 30-Aug
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Oct
The item was posted on 14-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Nov-2016
The item arrived at delivery office on 11-Oct
The item was posted on 10-Aug-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 25-Sep
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 8-Dec-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 6-Dec-2016
The item was posted on 2-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 18-Oct
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 30-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 10-Dec-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 2-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item was tendered for delivery on 26-Sep-2016 without success
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 3-Nov-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 12-Dec-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 5-Sep-2016 without success
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 6-Dec-2016
The item was posted on 25-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 10-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 28-Aug
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 2-Oct
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 10-Dec-2016
The item arrived at delivery office on 1-Nov-2016
The item was delivered on 16-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 30-Oct-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 15-Sep
The item was tendered for delivery on 22-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 29-Oct-2016
The item arrived at delivery office and is being processed for delivery to the addressee as of 28-Nov-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 6-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 28-Nov-2016
The item was posted on 8-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Oct-2016
iMail bag was accepted on 5-Oct-2016; items to be scanned
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 30-Aug
The item left Hong Kong for its destination on 21-Nov-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 14-Sep-2016 without success
The item was delivered on 28-Nov-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Oct-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
iMail bag was accepted on 13-Oct-2016; items to be scanned
The item was tendered for delivery on 28-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 12-Oct
The item was tendered for delivery on 1-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item was posted on 1-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item was tendered for delivery on 7-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 2-Nov-2016
iMail bag was accepted on 5-Sep-2016; items to be scanned
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 26-Oct
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 12-Dec-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 2-Sep-2016 without success
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 20-Oct
The item was posted on 24-Aug-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 17-Aug
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 4-Nov-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 28-Sep
The item arrived at delivery office on 2-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 25-Nov-2016
The item was posted on 7-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016
The item was delivered on 24-Aug-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 14-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item was tendered for delivery on 3-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item was delivered on 1-Oct
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 1-Nov-2016
The item was posted on 9-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item was posted on 28-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 5-Dec-2016
The item was posted on 8-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 6-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Nov-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 6-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Oct-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 20-Sep
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 8-Dec-2016
The item was posted on 29-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 1-Sep
The item was tendered for delivery on 2-Dec-2016 without success
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Oct
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 13-Dec-2016
The item was posted on 13-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 12-Aug
The item arrived at delivery office on 9-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item arrived at delivery office on 5-Oct-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 27-Sep
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 8-Dec-2016
The item was posted on 2-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 9-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 1-Nov-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 6-Dec-2016
The item was delivered on 31-Oct-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 21-Sep
The item was posted on 7-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item was posted on 22-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Nov-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 20-Aug
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016
The item was delivered on 14-Sep
The item was delivered on 8-Jul
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 13-Dec-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 2-Nov-2016
The item arrived at delivery office on 2-Nov-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 10-Sep
The item was delivered on 5-Dec-2016
The item was delivered on 26-Oct-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 3-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item was delivered on 1-Oct-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 23-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 6-Oct
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 10-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 28-Nov-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 2-Oct
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 4-Nov-2016
The item arrived at delivery office and is being processed for delivery to the addressee as of 16-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 5-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Oct-2016
The item arrived at delivery office on 9-Sep
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 29-Oct-2016
The item arrived at delivery office on 5-Oct
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 8-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Nov-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 10-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 28-Nov-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 13-Dec-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 29-Aug-2016 without success because the addressee cannot be located
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Nov-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 9-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 31-Oct-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
The item was delivered on 10-Oct-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 5-Dec-2016
The item was delivered on 6-Oct
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 8-Dec-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 1-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 26-Sep
The item was delivered on 31-Oct-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 23-Sep
The item was delivered on 17-Nov-2016
The item was posted on 1-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item was delivered on 6-Oct-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 2-Sep
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 20-Oct
The item was tendered for delivery on 23-Aug-2016 without success
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 9-Dec-2016
The item was posted on 17-Aug-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item was posted on 27-Sep-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 4-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 6-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 27-Oct-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 10-Sep
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 4-Dec-2016
The item arrived at delivery office on 21-Oct-2016
The item was delivered on 6-Sep
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 6-Dec-2016
The item was delivered on 8-Oct-2016
The item was delivered on 21-Oct-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 15-Dec-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 1-Oct
The item was posted on 9-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item was delivered on 21-Oct-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 7-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 13-Sep
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 7-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 12-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 6-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 10-Oct
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 6-Oct
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 9-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Nov-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 1-Nov-2016
iMail bag was accepted on 19-Sep-2016; items to be scanned
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Oct-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Oct
The item was tendered for delivery on 29-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item was posted on 13-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 30-Oct-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Nov-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 1-Nov-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 25-Sep
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 2-Dec-2016
The item was delivered on 8-Oct
The item was posted on 1-Nov-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item arrived at delivery office on 19-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 6-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 1-Nov-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 21-Sep
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 23-Oct
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 3-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 14-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 29-Nov-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 11-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 28-Sep
The item was tendered for delivery on 5-Sep-2016 without success
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 14-Dec-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 8-Sep
The item was tendered for delivery on 14-Dec-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 7-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 5-Dec-2016
The item arrived at delivery office on 13-Sep
The item arrived at delivery office on 6-Dec-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Oct-2016
The item arrived at delivery office on 14-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 27-Oct-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 2-Dec-2016
The item was posted on 8-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 30-Nov-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 7-Sep-2016 without success
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 6-Dec-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 29-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 5-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 7-Dec-2016
The item left Hong Kong for its destination on 24-Nov-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 15-Oct
The item was tendered for delivery on 9-Nov-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item was posted on 12-Oct-2016 and is being processed for delivery to the addressee
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 7-Aug
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 6-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 26-Sep
The addressee requested later delivery. The item is being held at addressee's request
The item arrived at delivery office on 23-Sep
The item arrived at delivery office on 31-Oct-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 10-Dec-2016
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 2-Dec-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 20-Oct
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 28-Nov-2016
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 30-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 3-Dec-2016
iMail bag was accepted on 18-Aug-2016; items to be scanned
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 3-Nov-2016
The item arrived at RUSSIAN FEDERATION on 28-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 6-Dec-2016
The item arrived at delivery office on 12-Sep
The item is pending customs inspection at the destination as of 4-Dec-2016
The item was tendered for delivery on 26-Oct-2016 without success because the addressee was not at the address indicated or addressee's office was closed
The item will leave Hong Kong for its destination on 16-Dec-2016
Arrive at origin post office
Arrive at local delivery office
Airline arrived at destination country
Processing,Forwarded to the postman
Airline departed from original country
Depart from transit country or district
Arrive at transit country or district
Post office collection.
Waiting for pickup
Shipment confirmation
Delivered. Your item was delivered at 8:27 am on July 29, 2017 in ST THOMAS, VI 00802.
Available for Pickup
Arrived at Post Office
Arrived at USPS Regional Destination Facility
Processed Through Facility

by tisunov