
National Postal Service of the Republic of Belarus

BelPost Tracking packages and shipments

A new period in the history of Belarusian-mail, marked by the development and implementation of a number of new services and modern technologies, began in 1995. Republican Unitary Enterprise "Belpochta" fulfills its primary mission - to provide postal services to the public, government agencies, enterprises and organizations, guided by the motto "Speed​​. Reliability. Availability. "These three words - strict compliance with all standards for receiving, processing, transmission and delivery of all types of mail, trouble-free operation and transport equipment, the introduction and use of new technologies. And for this motto - daily hard work of all many thousands of businesses - postmen, operators, sorters, drivers, technicians, professionals and managers - all those for whom mail has become a part of life.

With Parcels app, you can track the BelPost shipments, as well as any package shipped from China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia.

Parcels on iPhone and Android

Download Parcels app for iPhone or Android to always know where your packages are, and get Push notifications when package tracking changes.

by tisunov