The Montenegrin government decision 03-11340 / 7 of 17.11.2011. The restructuring is carried out from Montenegro to changes in the organizational form of the joint stock company. Previously, Post Montenegro d.o.o. - Limited Liability Company Podgorica, organized by a decision of the Board of Directors JP PTT of Montenegro on the division of the Company on a post Montenegro Ltd. and Telecommunications of Montenegro A.D. (Decision no. 08-7420 of 28.10.1998. Yrs.), To which the Government of the Republic of Montenegro gave consent decision on approving the status change from JP PTT of Montenegro (Official Gazette of RM no. 40/98). The Company is a legal successor of JP PTT Montenegro in the performance of registered postal services. Mail Montenegro's most important business network in the country whose social mission organizations postal services as a universal postal operator, with the continuous development of new, profitable services in accordance with the requirements of the modern market.
Parcels app will help you track the status and location of your parcel delivered by Montenegro Post.
Status | Description |
Slanje na domacu lokaciju | |
Posiljka prispjela | |
Prispjela u poštu | |
Otpremljena ka pošti 85330 | |
Neuspio pokušaj uručenja | |
Otpremljena ka pošti 85310 | |
Uručena na adresi | |
Prijem posiljke | |
Otpremljena u inostranstvo | |
Otpremljena ka pošti 81200 | |
Otpremljena ka pošti 81003 | |
Podnesena na carinski pregled | |
35-Slanje na domacu lokaciju | |
Prispjela u Izmjeničnu poštu | |
Posiljka urucena |
by tisunov