Direct Link

Logistics company

Direct Link Tracking packages and shipments

Direct Link's history is rooted in our customers' success. Since 1986, they have been creating winning logistical solutions for international companies and e-tailers. Through customization and tailoring, we help our customers with everything from taking the leap into a new market to building a sustainable logistical chain. Or sometimes, just figuring out the best way to send a business letter.

The world is filled with delivery companies. Most of them will tell you that they have the fastest planes, the biggest fleet of trucks and the most reliable delivery guys. And that’s all great. But is it enough? With the growth of e-commerce, the requirements on deliveries have changed. For global e-tailers, finding the right way to the market matters more than which truck takes them there. So instead of owning planes, trucks and ships ourselves, we’re experts on finding the best possible delivery solution for you.

Parcels is iOS and Android app, which will help you track shipments delivered by Direct Link.

Parcels on iPhone and Android

Download Parcels app for iPhone or Android to always know where your packages are, and get Push notifications when package tracking changes.

Direct Link tracking statuses

Status Description
Item received for processing
Order dispatched
Order departed on flight from origin
Order departed from sorting hub
Order awaiting customs clearance
Order customs cleared and lodged with local delivery agent
Status updates may be available from destination carrier
Order received into final destination country
Item pre-advice received
Warning message
Order delivered
Delivery attempt
Order in transit
Order at pre-departure sorting

by tisunov