Egypt Post

State Postal Service

Egypt Post Tracking packages and shipments

Egypt Post is one of the main pillars of the country, because it conveys country's decrees, facilitates duties of government, establishes relations between groups, individuals and connects them with the outer world. On the Arab and African levels, Egypt was among the leading Administrations involved in international postal movement, began in Europe late in 19th century and the beginning of the last century. Egypt is the only Arab and African country organized the Universal Postal Congress in its 10th session in 1943. The Ministerial decree No 70 of 1982 for Organization's personnel statute, (a special regulation), had been issued, ministerial decree No 55 of 1982 for the financial statute of the Organization (a special regulation), was issued too. Finally, in 1999, the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology had been established to assume the supervision of National Post Organization, Telecom Egypt, and National Telecommunications Institute.

With the help of the Parcels app, you can find out the exact location of your parcel or shipments delivered by "Egypt Post" in a few seconds.

Parcels on iPhone and Android

Download Parcels app for iPhone or Android to always know where your packages are, and get Push notifications when package tracking changes.

Egypt Post tracking statuses

Status Description
Arrival at delivery office
Item deposited at Counter
Int'l Dispatch Incoming
Int'l Dispatch Outgoing
Item Dispatched from Inward Office Of Exchange
Item presented to customs
First AdvicePrint
Local Dispatch Incoming
Item Added to Dispatch

by tisunov