Exelot provides fast, reliable and highly cost-effective solution for shipping and delivering ecommerce product internationally. The company offers an innovative shipping solution combining unique technologies and many years of experience in the fields of logistics, online trade and customs.
To track your shipment, visit the Exelot tracking page and enter the tracking code which begins with the letters XLT and includes 9 digits.
Customer delivery times depend mostly on the schedules of the suppliers abroad. From the moment the shipment is received at Exelot’s overseas logistics centers, the average delivery is 1-3 working days.
Exelot makes sure that shipments ordered from abroad reach customers’ homes. To that end, we work with the leading forwarding and distribution companies.
According to the provisions of Israeli law, VAT is calculated based on the value of the goods as declared by the supplier abroad, plus the shipping, transportation and insurance costs, such as apply.
According to Israeli customs and VAT regulations, goods worth more than $75 qualify for VAT payment.
Parcels is iOS and Android app, which will help you track shipments delivered by Exelot.
by tisunov