One of the most popular parcel delivery services within France is Mondial Relay, a point to point service, to an agreed collection point. There are over 5,000 collection points located in small retailers and tabacs. The prices are very competitive, but views are mixed about the quality the service. Perhaps therefore not the service to use for particularly valuable goods, although it is possible to take out insurance and you can also monitor delivery progress on their site.
They do offer international delivery but their network is not the most reliable, so the service probably best used only in France.
Mondial Relay is one of largest parcel shipping and delivery service in France and Europe with more than 20 years of experience in delivery. They have supports and earn trust from more than 15,000 online retailers including H&M,, BonPrix, Vinted, Nespresso and more other e-commerce brands in delivering parcels to the customers. Not only largest e-commerce brands, but they also offer delivery service for small online retailers and e-commerce brands too.
The distribution of parcels conducted across 16 European countries with more than 36,000 Relais Points® throughout Europe and 6,300 in France. Usually, Relais Points® are located at superettes, newsagents, florists and more other local merchants.
Mondial Relay start their first distribution network in Relais Points® on 2014, then expand to 16 European countries as stated above. In the recent years, they went into partnership with InPost, an organization that provide parcel lockers service. They cooperate with InPost in 2016 to provide automated postal lockers available 24/7 to their customer. So, their customers able to collect their parcels and purchased items in automated postal lockers provided. The automated postal lockers are installed in strategic areas including shopping centres, car parks and petrol stations. The customer can choose whether want to collect their parcels on an automated postal locker or at Relais Points®. They are expanding the postal lockers by over 1,000 postal lockers available by the end of 2016.
On 2017, Mondial Relay unite with Girard-Agediss to offer a complete delivery offer. This 360° offer is divided into three sections which are the classic delivery point of withdrawal, a home delivery and heavy delivery for Business to Business (B2B) customer segment.
Based on recent statistic given on Mondial Relay official website, there are more than 600 employees working with them, over 58 million parcels delivered to their customer, and 190 million turnover.
Parcels is iOS and Android app, which will help you track shipments delivered by Mondial Relay.
by tisunov