POS Indonesia

Federal postal service


POS Indonesia Tracking - Indonesia Post

Pos Indonesia is the national postal service provider in Indonesia, founded in 1995. Headquartered in Bandung, Pos network covers more than 17,000 islands and transports through train, bus, flight as well as ship for swift delivery.

For some more figures, Pos Indonesia has more than 58,000 sales points and 4,800 post offices. Under postal services, you have products such as Pos Express, Ordinary Post, Parcel Post, Overnight Delivery and Express Mail Service (EMS).

Besides domestic and international parcel and post delivery series, the state-owned company also offers the Pospay for those who would like to conveniently pay their bills. There are also special products for easy money transfer, banking and insurance.

History records the existence of Pos Indonesia for so long, the first post office was established in Batavia (now Jakarta) by the Governor-General Baron van Imhoff GW on August 26, 1746 with the aim to further ensure the safety of residents of the letters, especially for those who are trading from offices in outside Java, and for those who come from and go to the Netherlands. Since then, the postal service has been born to assume the role and function of public services. As time goes on, Pos Indonesia has now been able to show their creativity in the field of postal Indonesian development by utilizing its network infrastructure which reaches about 24 thousand point services reached 100 percent of city / county, nearly 100 percent of districts and 42 percent of the urban / rural, and 940 remote locations in the Indonesian transmigration. Along with the development of information, communication and technology, networking Pos Indonesia already has 3,700 post office line, mobile and equipped elektronic post in a few major cities. All points are chain connected to each other in a solid and integrated. ZIP code system was created to facilitate the processing of postal items where every inch of the area in Indonesia can be identified accurately.

Indonesia Post Tracking

You can also track your package/parcel with the reference number. For more information or queries on shipping, transit time, tracking, money transfer or others, reach the Pos Indonesia customer service.

With the help of the Parcels app, you can find out the exact location of your parcel or shipments delivered by "POS Indonesia" in a few seconds.

Parcels on iPhone and Android

Download Parcels app for iPhone or Android to always know where your packages are, and get Push notifications when package tracking changes.

POS Indonesia tracking statuses

Status Description
Arrival at outward OE
Departure from outward OE JAKARTA MPC IDJKTC
Arrival at inward OE JAKARTA MPC IDJKTC
Accepted by Customs, Untuk detail proses di Bea & Cukai klik link di bawah ini www.beacukai.go.id/barangkiriman, BALIKPAPAN
Processing document by Customs ( EME )
Release / Release by Customs ( EDC )
Departure from inward OE Adpis : 000120
Penerimaan Dokumen / Accepted by Customs ( EDB )
Arrival at delivery/Transit Office
Item Out for Physical Delivery

by tisunov