Pos Malaysia Berhad is Malaysia's premier postal service provider. They have a widespread network of over 1,000 touch points countrywide that includes Pos Malaysia Outlets, Pos Minis, Pos24 (Self Service Terminals), Post-On-Wheels (Mobile Outlets), postal agents and stamp agents, making it one of the most extensive retail network in Malaysia.
Throughout the years, Pos Malaysia has grown from strength to strength and is progressing from being a mail and postal services provider towards becoming a dynamic communications, financial services and supply chain solutions provider.
Moving forward, Pos Malaysia will continue to transform and innovate itself in order to maintain its relevance and competitive edge as well as continue to connect Malaysians with the rest of the world.
To track any POS Malaysia package international, domestic, incoming or outgoing, just enter tracking number in the filed above and tap Track Package
Enter Pos Malaysia tracking number to track and trace. ParcelsApp is shipment tracking platform that helps you to track all your shipments in one place.
Parcels app will help you track the status and location of your parcel delivered by Malaysia Post.
Status | Description |
Dispatch PreAlert to Russian Fed | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Russian Fed | |
Item Arrived at Domodevo | |
Item Arrived at Russian Fed | |
Initial item information received | |
Item Arrived at Pulkovo | |
Item dispatched out MOSKVA PCI | |
Item dispatched out Russian Fed | |
Item held by Customs Others | |
Item processed Russian Fed | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Ukraine | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Ukraine | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Belarus | |
Item Sent to UKRAINE | |
Item Arrived at Belarus | |
Item Sent to BELARUS | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Belarus | |
Item Arrived at Boryspil | |
Item Arrived at Israel | |
Item Sent to ISRAEL | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Israel | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Israel | |
Item processed at Russian Fed | |
Item delivered | |
Item Arrived at Ukraine | |
Item Sent to UNITED STATES | |
Item Sent to UZBEKISTAN | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to USA | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Uzbekistan | |
Dispatch PreAlert to USA | |
Item Arrived at Vienna | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Uzbekistan | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Moldova | |
Unsuccessful delivery due to Others due to Action: Others | |
Item Sent to AUSTRIA | |
Unable to deliver the item Others due to Action: Others | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Austria | |
Item Arrived at Latvia | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Austria | |
Item Sent to LATVIA | |
Item Arrived at Istanbul Ataturk | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Latvia | |
Item Sent to TURKEY | |
Item Arrived at Moldova | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Turkey | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Latvia | |
Item Sent to MOLDOVA | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Turkey | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Moldova | |
Item Arrived at John F Kennedy | |
Item Sent to SWITZERLAND | |
Item dispatched out OSLO LETTER CENTER | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Azerbaijan | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Switzerland | |
Unsuccessful delivery due to Others due to Action: Retour | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Azerbaijan | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Switzerland | |
Item Arrived at LosAngeles | |
Item Arrived at London Heathrow | |
Unsuccessful delivery due to Addressee cannot be located due to Action: Others | |
Item Arrived at Armenia | |
Item Sent to UNITED KINGDOM | |
Item dispatched out Spain | |
Item held by Customs Awaiting presentation to customs commissioner | |
Item Sent to ARMENIA | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to United Kingdom | |
Item dispatched out MPC PMIH (KLIA) | |
Item processed Germany | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Armenia | |
Dispatch PreAlert to United Kingdom | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Germany | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Armenia | |
Item processed at Germany | |
Item Arrived at Kazakhstan | |
Item dispatched out Czech Republic | |
Item dispatched out Germany | |
Item Sent to KAZAKHSTAN | |
Item dispatched out Poland | |
Your item has been forwarded to carrier/agent | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Kazakhstan | |
Unsuccessful delivery due to Addressee requested later delivery due to Action: Others | |
Item Arrived at Heydar Aliyev International | |
Item Arrived at Switzerland | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Kazakhstan | |
Item Sent to AZERBAIJAN | |
Consignment data transhipped | |
Entered to warehouse | |
Import received at destination depot | |
Consignment in Warehouse | |
Import Received HUB | |
Allocated to a unit / container or separately in truck | |
Released from customs | |
Item Arrived at USA | |
Item Sent to UNITED STATES | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to USA | |
Dispatch PreAlert to USA | |
Pre Alert to UNITED STATES | |
Item Sent to CAMBODIA | |
Departed transit country | |
Arrived in transit country | |
Departed Hong Kong Airport | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Cambodia | |
Departed Sunyou Facility | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Cambodia | |
Acceptance, Sent to CAMBODIA | |
Pre Alert to CAMBODIA | |
Departure from outward office of exchange | |
Item dispatched out JIMC A AIR | |
Posting/Collection | |
Item posted over the counter | |
Item Sent to UKRAINE | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Ukraine | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Ukraine | |
GMTC, Departed transit country | |
GMTC, Arrived in transit country | |
HONG KONG, Departed Hong Kong Airport | |
Item dispatched out KIEV PI-1 | |
Pre Alert to UKRAINE | |
Item Arrived at Russian Fed. | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Russian Fed. | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Russian Fed. | |
Pre Alert to CANADA | |
Acceptance, Sent to UNITED STATES | |
Item dihantar keluar | |
Item diterima di kaunter | |
Konsainan keluar dari pejabat Transit | |
Item tiba di destinasi | |
Proses serahan | |
Cubaan serahan telah dibuat. Kami dapati premis tutup dan telah meninggalkan Notis Atur Janji Serahan | |
Item boleh diambil di | |
Item sedang diproses | |
Item diserah kepada |
by tisunov