Universal Postal Union

World Postal Union

Global International Tracking | Post Tracking Worldwide

The Universal Postal Union (UPU; the international abbreviated name is UPU, from fr. Union Postale Universelle and the Universal Postal Union) was founded in 1874 by an interstate organization to provide and improve postal relations in the single postal territory formed by the Universal Postal Union. It unites almost all countries of the world.

With the establishment of the Universal Postal Union in 1874, uniform postal rates were first established for sending letters and other postage abroad.

You can track your international registered mail item or packet to its destination by using our online international tracking system.

UPU tracking package

UPU tracking number looks like XX000000000XX, where first 2 letters are used to describe package type, each country assigns its own meaning to those letters. Last 2 letters are 2-letter originating country ISO code. The digits between letters are used to uniquely identify package within UPU system.

Tracking International Post

You ordered something online or sent something abroad and you want to know where it is? You do not know on which website to track it?

If you have received a 13-digit s10 barcode (for example, LT284905264NL), the search field above will help you find your item.

By inserting your S10 barcode number in the search field, our tracking portal will track your tracking number with multiple postal services at once.

UPU Tasks

The Universal Postal Union is focusing on the following tasks:

Establishing uniform international postal services and facilitating the exchange of international mail through the Universal Postal Convention and additional agreements

Assistance to postal cooperation of the Union member states.

Setting tariffs for international postal services (including transit costs).

Settlement of controversial issues between members of the union.

International Postal Mail Tracking

You can track your International Registered Mail item or packet to its destination using our International Postal Mail Tracking service.

E-commerce influence

In recent years UPU members have encountered serious problems triggered by the enormous increase in e-commerce originating from the Far East, where the terminal dues do not cover the unit costs of delivery in the destination countries, and the volumes are so big that the losses cannot be compensated by better terminal dues from other traffic. In 2016, a new remuneration system was implemented with a focus on e-commerce, but while the 2016 reform balanced the costs to the delivery services, postage costs for shippers are still asymmetric. As of 2018, US companies pay more than twice as much to mail an item from a US plant to a US customer than does a manufacturer in China to mail an item to a US customer

Postal tracking tools


Tracking page

 Customer Service

ArgentinaCorreo ArgentinoCorreo Argentino
AustraliaAustralia PostAustralia Post
AustriaÖsterreichische PostÖsterreichische Post
Landmark GlobalLandmark Global
BrazilCorreios de BrasilCorreios de Brasil
Bulgaria Bulgarian Posts Bulgarian Posts 
CanadaCanada PostCanada Post
ChileCorreos ChileCorreos Chile
CroatiaHrvatska poštaHrvatska pošta
CyprusCyprus PostCyprus Post
Czech Republic Česká poštaČeská pošta
EgyptEgypt PostEgypt Post
Estonia Omniva Omniva
Le Groupe La Poste
Le Groupe La Poste

Deutsche PostDeutsche Post
Ghana Ghana PostGhana Post
Hong KongHongkong PostHongkong Post
HungaryMagyar PostaMagyar Posta
IcelandIceland PostIceland Post
IndiaIndia PostIndia Post
IndonesiaPos IndonesiaPos Indonesia
IrelandAn PostAn Post
ItalyPoste ItalianePoste Italiane
JapanJapan PostJapan Post
KoreaKorea PostKorea Post
Latvia Latvijas Pasts Latvijas Pasts 
Lithuania Lietuvos paštas Lietuvos paštas 
MalaysiaPos MalaysiaPos Malaysia
Pos Laju
Pos Laju
Malta Malta PostMalta Post
MexicoNot availableCorreos de México
New ZealandNew Zealand PostNew Zealand Post
NigeriaNigerian Postal ServiceNigerian Postal Service
NorwayPosten NorgePosten Norge
Poland Poczta Polska Poczta Polska 
Romania Poșta Română Poșta Română
RussiaRussia PostRussia Post
SingaporeSingapore PostSingapore Post
Slovakia Slovenská pošta Slovenská pošta 
Slovenia Pošta Slovenije Pošta Slovenije 
South Africa Not availableSouth African Post Office
Sweden PostNordPostNord
SwitzerlandSwiss PostSwiss Post
TaiwanChunghwa PostChunghwa Post
ThailandThailand PostThailand Post
Turkey PTT PTT 
UKRoyal MailRoyal Mail
Uruguay Correo Uruguayo Correo Uruguayo

About Universal Postal Union

Prior to the establishment of the UPU, each country had to prepare a separate postal treaty with other nations if it wished to carry international mail to or from them. In some cases, senders would have to calculate postage for each leg of a journey, and find mail forwarders in a third country if there was no direct delivery. To remove this complexity, the United States called for an International Postal Congress in 1863. This led Heinrich von Stephan, Royal Prussian and later German Minister for Posts, to found the Universal Postal Union. It is currently the third oldest international organization after the Rhine Commission and the ITU. The UPU was created in 1874, initially under the name "General Postal Union", under the Treaty of Bern signed on October 9, 1874.[6] Four years later, the name was changed to "Universal Postal Union"

French is the official language of the UPU. English was added as a working language in 1994. The majority of the UPU's documents and publications – including its flagship magazine, Union Postale – are available in the United Nations' six official languages (French, English, Arabic, Chinese, Russian, and Spanish)

With Parcels app, you can easily find out the exact location of your packages or shipments delivered by Universal Postal Union.

Parcels on iPhone and Android

Download Parcels app for iPhone or Android to always know where your packages are, and get Push notifications when package tracking changes.

Universal Postal Union tracking statuses

Status Description
Departure from outward office of exchange
Arrival at inward office of exchange
Arrival at outward office of exchange
Arrival at delivery office
Unsuccessful delivery
Arrival at transit office of exchange
Departure from inward office of exchange
Departure from transit of exchange
Final delivery
Item held by export Customs/Security
Item returned from export Customs/Security
Held by Customs
Item presented to import Customs
Item returned from Customs (import)
Item presented to export Customs/Security

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