Logistics Worldwide Express (LWE) es un líder logístico en el mercado de Asia Pacífico. Hemos establecido redes de colaboración con la última milla y proveedores de servicios postales en todo el mundo. Nuestros servicios están cubiertos en más de 200 países en Europa, América, Oceanía y Asia Sudoriental. Podemos ayudarle en las entregas de puerta a puerta, almacenaje, paquetes postales y expedición de la carga. ¡Somos su socio logístico extremo a extremo de una sola parada!
Con la aplicación Parcels, puede averiguar fácilmente la ubicación exacta de sus paquetes o envíos entregados por Logística Worldwide Express.
Estado | Description |
Shipment designated to INDONESIA | |
Shipment designated to MALAYSIA | |
Pickup shipment checked in at GUANG ZHOU | |
Pickup shipment checked in at YIWU | |
Registered - Shipment Not Received at SHENZHEN | |
Shipment info registered at SHENZHEN | |
Shipment departed to INDONESIA | |
Shipment is out for despatch by EDIx | |
Shipment departed from/to GATEWAY JAKARTA station | |
Shipment departed from/to SURABAYA GATEWAY,SGD station | |
Shipment arrived at Malang station | |
Shipment arrived at KUCHING BRANCH station | |
Shipment departed from/to KL TRANSIT HUB station | |
Shipment designated to KUCHING BRANCH | |
Shipment arrived at KL TRANSIT HUB station | |
Custom cleared and arrived at KL TRANSIT HUB station | |
Shipment arrived at airport | |
Shipment departed to MALAYSIA | |
Shipment arrived at K.L DELIVERY HUB station | |
Shipment arrived at TEMERLOH ZONE station | |
Shipment departed from/to KUALA LUMPUR ZONE station | |
Shipment is out for despatch by KCHB008 |
by tisunov