Bureau de poste tchèque

Service postal de la République tchèque

+420 954 292 102 www.postaonline.cz/index

Suivi des colis et les livraisons de Bureau de poste tchèque

Avec l'application Parcels, vous pouvez facilement trouver l'emplacement exact de vos colis ou des livraisons livrés par Bureau de poste tchèque.

Parcels on iPhone and Android

Téléchargez l'application Parcels pour iPhone ou Android pour toujours savoir où se trouvent vos paquets et obtenez des notifications Push lorsque le suivi des paquets change.

Bureau de poste tchèque états de suivi possibles

Statut La description
The consignment was sent to the destination country
The consignment was posted
The consignment was accepted by post office of exchange in the country of destination
The consignment was delivered in the destination country
Consignment posting number (reference code) assigned in the Czech Republic
The consignment is being prepared for delivery - no delivery attempt due to insufficient addressee's details
The consignment was accepted by post office of exchange
The consignment was cleared - released for delivery
Communication with the addressee about the consignment being deposited in interim warehouse - detailed information in the sent alert
The consignment was sent to the Czech Republic
The consignment is being delivered by Afternoon Delivery
The consignment was deposited at the delivering post office in the destination country
Communication with the addressee about the consignment being deposited in interim warehouse - asked to prove the value of the goods
The consignment was deposited - addressee not at home
The consignment was delivered
The consignment was deposited at post office of exchange
Mail item update at office of exchange – damaged, incomplete adress
The consignment is being delivered
The consignment was deposited - addressee has a P.O.Box
The consignment was sent back to the sender - the consignment was not picked up by the addressee in the set Collection Time
The consignment is being prepared for delivery
The consignment is being prepared for customs clearance
The consignment was not released for export to the destination country - non-compliance with the Postal Terms and Conditions
The consignment is being transported to the delivering post office
The consignment was deposited
The consignment left the logistics hub
For more information please call our information line at
The consignment entered the logistics hub
For more information please call our information line at 800 177 889
The consignment was returned to the sender
The consignment was sent to undeliverable mail office
The consignment was deposited at addressee's request
Departure from inward OE
The consignment is being prepared for redelivery
The consignment is being processed in transit country
The consignment was returned to post office of exchange

by tisunov