Wish Post

Entreprise de logistique chinoise


Suivi des colis et les livraisons de Wish Post

Avec l'aide de l'application Parcels, vous pouvez connaître l'emplacement exact de votre colis ou des envois livrés par "Wish Post" en quelques secondes.

Parcels on iPhone and Android

Téléchargez l'application Parcels pour iPhone ou Android pour toujours savoir où se trouvent vos paquets et obtenez des notifications Push lorsque le suivi des paquets change.

Wish Post états de suivi possibles

Statut La description
Shipping notice received from seller(WISH)
Wishpost order generated
Arrived at Carrier
Departed from Airport to destination country
Arrived at airport of the original country
Arrived at customs of original country
Arrived at customs of destination country
Picked up
Departure Scan
Waybill Generated
Arrive at exchange center
Collection Scan
Depart from exchange center
Arrive at destination airport (Plan)(this information is provided by airline companies.)
Departure from Airport to destination country (Plan)(this information is provided by airline companies.)
Electronic information has been received
Arrived at destination country. Flight No.
Departure from Airport to destination country. Flight No.
Departed from customs of original country
Departed from Carrier
Arrived at the first mile sorting center
Departed from the first mile sorting center

by tisunov