Entreprise de transport


XPO Suivi Colis

XPO est le plus grand fournisseur de LTL en France, en Espagne et au Portugal, avec le plus grand réseau ADR desservant le Royaume-Uni et l'Irlande. Ils occupent également des positions de premier plan dans les sous-secteurs LTL; par exemple, nous sommes le leader de la distribution sur le marché secondaire au Royaume-Uni. Au total, leur densité de voies pour le service palettisé couvre les régions qui produisent environ 90% du PIB européen.

XPO s'est bâti une réputation de fournisseur très fiable de transport LTL au fil des décennies de service aux expéditeurs. Ils effectuent des centaines de navettes quotidiennes et de lignes de groupage programmé chaque semaine, avec un réseau qui dessert 36 pays à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur de la zone euro. Leurs capacités s'adaptent à tous les types de fret, avec des options de gestion des fournisseurs et des retours de marchandises.

Suivi XPO par numéro PRO

Le service Parcelsapp.com est une technologie simple d'utilisation, qui offre la possibilité de vérifier l'état des expéditions palettisées en temps réel, entre le moment où les marchandises quittent le quai de chargement et l'arrivée à destination.

Suivi XPO

Entrez votre numéro PRO pour obtenir instantanément les statuts de l'envoi et l'emplacement actuel de votre envoi XPO LTL.

XPO Expédition Lots Partiels

XPO acheminera vos chargements palettisés et partiels sur l'un des plus vastes réseaux de transport de lots partiels (LTL) d'Europe : régional, national et international.

À propos de XPO

XPO est une multinationale américaine de transport et de logistique contractuelle qui gère les chaînes d'approvisionnement de 50 000 clients, dont 69 des entreprises du classement Fortune 100. Elle est présente dans 30 pays, avec environ 100 000 employés. XPO, Inc. est le 7e titre le plus performant de la dernière décennie sur le Fortune 500, avec des cours de bourse en hausse de plus de 1000% depuis le moment où son PDG, Bradley Jacobs, a pris le contrôle. Le siège social de XPO est situé à Greenwich, Connecticut. Son siège européen est situé à Lyon, en France.

Effectuez le suivi de la cargaison XPO par lettre de transport, ainsi que des envois postaux et de messagerie en provenance de Chine, d'Israël, des États-Unis, du Royaume-Uni, d'Italie, de France et des Pays-Bas.

Parcels on iPhone and Android

Téléchargez l'application Parcels pour iPhone ou Android pour toujours savoir où se trouvent vos paquets et obtenez des notifications Push lorsque le suivi des paquets change.

XPO états de suivi possibles

Statut La description
Undeliverable An unsuccessful attempt to deliver this shipment has been made and the shipment is now considered undeliverable. The shipment will remain at the destination service center until the shipper contacts XPO with further instructions.
Transfer This shipment is in transfer status.
Shipment has been canceled The shipment has been canceled by the service center.
Returned to dock, no attempt to deliver The shipment has been returned to the destination service center dock with no attempt to deliver. The shipment will go back out for delivery the next business day.
Refused for damage The recipient refused the shipment because of damage. The shipment will remain at the destination service center pending further instructions from the shipper.
Refused delivery The recipient refused delivery. The shipment is at the destination service center awaiting further instructions from the shipper.
Recorded in system The shipment details have been recorded in our system.
Possible Delay Notification This shipment may be delayed.
Picked up The shipment has been picked up and recorded in our system by the origin service center.
Overage The shipment is an overage.
Out for delivery The shipment is out for delivery to the recipient.
Non-Movement PRO (parent) This shipment consists of multiple PRO numbers because it has been split and loaded onto more than 1 trailer due to either space availability or as directed by the shipping documents. This PRO acts as the 'parent'(master)for the split shipments while each portion or split (which we will refer to as 'children') has been assigned an additional freight bill number.
Late but no possible delay notification sent Late but no possible delay notification sent
Late Your shipment will not be delivered today.
International shipment to Mexico has been tendered to the broker The shipment has been tendered to the broker and is in-transit to Mexico.
International shipment from Mexico has been tendered to the broker The shipment has been tendered to the broker and is in-transit from Mexico.
Holding on dock for Customs clearance at destination The shipment is being held at the destination service center awaiting Customs clearance.
Holding on dock for cartage carrier at destination A forwarding cartage carrier has been notified that this shipment awaits their retrieval at the destination service center. Upon taking possession, the cartage carrier assumes the responsibility to deliver the shipment to the recipient.
Follow-up on time Arrived on time, but a possible delay notification was sent.
Follow-up delayed Sorry for the delay, we hope the possible delay notification was helpful.
Final delivery pending review The children of this parent shipment have been delivered, but there may be a discrepancy in the total weight requiring a manual review of all the shipping documents. Upon completion of this review, the shipment will be changed to Final Delivered status.
En route to Puerto Rico The shipment has arrived at an interim service center in Puerto Rico.
En route to Hawaii The shipment has arrived at an interim service center in Hawaii.
Enroute to Alaska The shipment has arrived at an interim service center in Alaska.
En route to interim The shipment is en route to an interim service center.
En route to destination The shipment is en route to the destination service center.
Delivery Receipt Image available Delivery receipt image of shipment is now available.
Delivered part short Only a portion of the total shipment was delivered to the recipient by the destination service center. The number of pieces short is shown under Exceptions.
Delivered by The shipment has been delivered to the recipient.
Delayed en route to interim The shipment has been delayed en route to an interim service center.
Delayed en route to destination The shipment has been delayed en route to the destination service center.
Consolidating shipments per consignee The shipments are being consolidated onto a trailer at the destination service center for future delivery per request from the recipient.
BOL Image available BOL image of shipment is now available
Awaiting unloading at consignee The shipment is awaiting unloading by the recipient at their location.
Attempted delivery Delivery was attempted by the destination service center; however, the recipient was not able to receive it. The shipment will not be taken back out for delivery until either the consignee or the shipper has contacted XPO with further instructions.
At origin The shipment is at the origin service center.
At interim The shipment is at an interim service center.
At destination The shipment is at the destination service center.
Arrived at interim The shipment has arrived at an interim service center.
Arrived at destination The shipment has arrived at the destination service center.
Appointment required at destination The shipment is being held at the destination service center until an appointment for delivery has been set or met at the request of the recipient.
All short The destination service center is reporting the shipment as all short because it has not arrived there as scheduled.

by tisunov