Slovakia Post

Layanan Pos Negara

Cek Resi Slovakia Post paket dan pengiriman

Dengan ParcelsApp, Anda dapat melacak pengiriman Slovakia Post, serta paket apa pun yang dikirim dari Cina, Hong Kong, Singapura, Malaysia.

Parcels on iPhone and Android

Unduh aplikasi Parcels untuk iPhone atau Android untuk selalu tahu di mana paket Anda, dan dapatkan pemberitahuan Push saat pelacakan paket berubah.

Slovakia Post status pelacakan

Status Deskripsi
Item in transit
Departure from outward office of exchange
Arrival at inward office of exchange
Arrival at outward office of exchange
Arrival at delivery office
Unsuccessful delivery
Held by customs, addressee will be advised
Item accepted for delivery
Item retained at post office {post}
Item wasn’t delivered - the Addressee absent
Item delivered to the Addressee at the post office {post}
Invoice missing
Item posted at post office {post}
Item retained at the post office {post} - P.O.Box
Item posted at post office OU Malacky
Item presented to import Customs
Item picked up by the Courier
Departure of the item from the Customs Office
Item delivered to the Addressee
Item posted at post office

by tisunov