Post Australia

Servizio postale dello Stato

Post Australia Ricerca Spedizioni Pacchi

Australia Post ha mantenuto l'Australia collegata per più di 200 anni. Lo facciamo fornendo la posta, aiutando le aziende ei consumatori con i pacchetti e fornendo una rete nazionale di vendita al dettaglio che supporti le comunità locali e le organizzazioni. Dato che le esigenze della comunità si sono evolute, così abbiamo, con una gamma di servizi che comprendono i nostri negozi, online e la Mailbox Australia Post Digital. Integriamo la nostra rete nazionale di logistica e vendita al dettaglio con prodotti digitali convenienti per rendere la vita quotidiana un po 'più semplice. La nostra gente entusiasta e professionale sta aiutando a costruire un moderno post australiano. Sono dedicati a fornire prodotti e servizi che gli australiani vogliono, hanno bisogno e possono permettersi, oltre ad assicurare che ogni esperienza con noi sia positiva.

L'applicazione Parcels consente di seguire l'invio di Post Australia e di tutti i pacchetti provenienti da Cina, Hong Kong, Singapore, con AliExpress, Joom, GearBest, BangGood, Taobao, eBay, e altri negozi online popolari.

Parcels on iPhone and Android

Scarica l'applicazione Parcels per iPhone o Android per sapere sempre dove sono i tuoi pacchetti e ricevere notifiche push quando le modifiche dello stato di tracciamento delle spedizioni.

Post Australia possibili stati di spedizione

Stato Descrizione dello Stato di spedizione
Contact sender ‘Contact sender’ means that your item has been returned to the sender. If this happens, Aussie Post will let the sender know why the item has been returned to them. You should contact the sender of the item directly for an update.
Processed Through Facility
Arrived at Facility
Invalid track ID The 'invalid tracking ID' status could mean: a) you've entered the wrong number – please double check it and try again; b) the number isn't being recognised by our system – please wait 24 hours and try again; c) the item you're tracking is more than two months old
In transit You may see 'in transit' as your parcel status for a few days. This is because, between origin and destination, Aussie Post often won't rescan your parcel. But it is moving through the parcel network.
Delivered Great news, your parcel has been 'delivered'!
Attempted delivery - redirected to Post Office
Pending 'Pending – no events yet' means your item hasn't been scanned yet. Try tracking your item again in 24 hours – the status should have been updated.
Possible delay ‘Possible delay’ means we’ve received your item, but delivery might be delayed due to something like a flood or traffic incident. For international parcels, they may need to be inspected further by Customs. Try tracking your item in another day or so, or contact the sender to follow up.
Not trackable You might see the status 'product not trackable' or 'sorry, this item can't be tracked' if you're using an international delivery service that doesn't come with tracking as a standard feature.
Despatched Despatched means: a) your parcel is on its way overseas, has been received into the international system and is awaiting delivery, or b) you have an item coming to you from an international location and it has been despatched by the sender
Awaiting Collection Good news! 'Awaiting collection' means that your item is waiting for you at the Post Office indicated on the card left in your letterbox, or in the SMS / email notification Aussie Post sent you.
Processing ‘Processing’ means Aussie Post received and approved the shipping information that the sender has entered into their online system.
Started The status 'started' means that the sender has entered shipping details into Aussie Post online system, but we haven't received it yet. Try tracking your item again in 24 hours – the status should have been updated.
Unable to gain access ‘Unable to gain access’ means there was a reason Aussie Post couldn’t access the property to deliver your item, like a locked gate or a dog. In these cases, your parcel will be taken to a nearby Post Office, and the postie will leave a card to let you know where and when you can collect it.
Unsuccessful pickup ‘Unsuccessful pickup’ means a pickup has been booked for the parcel, but Aussie Post were unable to collect it. This could be because no one was at the pickup address or Aussie Post couldn’t gain access, the address was incorrect, or the parcel wasn’t ready to be collected.
Scheduled for delivery processing
Scheduled for despatch
Customer Enquiry lodged ‘Customer enquiry lodged’ means either the sender or addressee has contacted Aussie Post Customer Care team with an enquiry about this item. It doesn’t relate to the physical location of your parcel.
Carded - awaiting collection
Transfer to delivery agent
Arrived at facility in destination country
Return item from customs (Otb)
Attempted delivery
Item Lodged
Received by overseas carrier
Delivery status not updated. The delivery status for this item has not been updated
Distribution to PO Box in Progress
Sorting Complete
On board with driver
Arrived at Post Office
Arrived at USPS Regional Destination Facility
Arrived at facility
Departure from outward office of exchange
Processed through facility
Delivered to community mailbox, parcel locker or apt./condo mailbox
Item out for delivery
Item processed
Item arrived
Delivered to community mailbox, parcel locker or apt./condo mailbox
In transit
Item processed
Item arrived
Item in transit
Item departed
Item was released by Customs and is now with Canada Post for processing
Item departed
Import clearance start
Item was released by Customs and is now with Canada Post for processing
Import clearance success
Electronic information submitted by shipper
Airline departed from original country
Uplifted from Transshipment Hub
Hand over to airline
Security check successed
Item despatched to Transshipment hub
Received by line-haul
Processed at origin hub
Received shipment
Outbound in sorting center
Inbound in sorting center
Accepted by carrier
Waiting for pickup
Shipment confirmation
Shipment picked up by Canada Post

by tisunov