Canada Post sarà un leader mondiale nel fornire soluzioni innovative di consegna fisiche ed elettroniche, creando valore per i nostri clienti, i dipendenti e tutti i canadesi. Costruire e mantenere relazioni di fiducia con dipendenti, clienti, partner, fornitori e nostro azionista è fondamentale per la nostra attività, la nostra reputazione e il nostro successo. Gestire in modo etico, guidato da un senso di responsabilità sociale, non è solo una questione di buona prassi commerciale; E 'la cosa giusta da fare. Come tutte le grandi organizzazioni, il Canada Post è spesso affrontato con sfide che richiedono decisioni difficili. Il codice di condotta del Canada spiega il comportamento che si aspetta dai dipendenti a tutti i livelli della società e fornisce informazioni su dove trovare ulteriori aiuti.
Con l'applicazione Parcels, è possibile tenere traccia del carico Canada Post, nonché delle spedizioni provenienti da Cina, Hong Kong, Singapore e Malesia.
Stato | Descrizione dello Stato di spedizione |
In transit | |
Delivered | |
Item accepted | |
Notice card left indicating where and when to pick up item | |
Item has arrived in Canada and was sent for further processing | |
Item on hold | |
Item presented to customs | |
International item has left originating country and is en route to Canada | |
Item picked up by Canada Post | |
Shipment picked up by Canada Post | |
Item has been presented to Canada Border Services Agency for customs review | |
International item processed in originating country | |
International item released from Customs for processing by Canada Post | |
Electronic information submitted by shipper | |
Item has been sent to customs in the destination country | |
International item mailed in originating country | |
Extreme weather conditions at this location; item delayed | |
International item is in transit to the delivery office | |
International Item being prepared for export | |
International item being forwarded to destination country | |
International item has been forwarded onwards to destination | |
Signature image recorded for Online viewing | |
Item has arrived at the delivery office in the destination country | |
Customs has released item to post office | |
Item accepted at the Post Office | |
International item has arrived at transit destination | |
Item out for delivery | |
Item successfully delivered | |
International shipment has arrived in a foreign country | |
Business closed for the day. Item on hold for second delivery attempt | |
Item being returned to sender. Incomplete address | |
Item processed | |
Verifying recipient's address; Possible delay | |
Attempted delivery. Notice card left indicating where item can be picked up | |
Item rescheduled for delivery next business day | |
Item arrived | |
Item arrived at the Undeliverable Mail Office. Please contact Cust Service | |
Item available for pickup at Post Office | |
Item redirected to recipient's new address | |
Item departed | |
Item re-routed due to processing error; Possible delay | |
Item has arrived in foreign country | |
Delivered to community mailbox or parcel locker | |
Item was released by Customs and is now with Canada Post for processing | |
Item in transit to Post Office | |
Item has been released by Customs | |
Delivered to community mailbox, parcel locker or apt./condo mailbox | |
Delivered to community mailbox, parcel locker or apt./condo mailbox | |
In transit | |
Item processed |
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