Lituania Post

Operatore postale nazionale

Lituania Post Ricerca Spedizioni Pacchi

AB Lietuvos paštas, società a responsabilità limitata, è il principale fornitore di servizi postali in Lituania. Con una lunga tradizione e un servizio professionale, la società ha guadagnato la fiducia del pubblico. I servizi resi dal team di professionisti vengono utilizzati da quasi 800.000 clienti ogni mese. Con l'introduzione di soluzioni di gestione innovative, oggi offriamo ai nostri clienti servizi non solo postali, ma anche corrieri e finanziari.

I pacchetti sono app iOS e Android, che ti aiuteranno a tenere traccia delle spedizioni consegnate da Lituania Post.

Parcels on iPhone and Android

Scarica l'applicazione Parcels per iPhone o Android per sapere sempre dove sono i tuoi pacchetti e ricevere notifiche push quando le modifiche dello stato di tracciamento delle spedizioni.

Lituania Post possibili stati di spedizione

Stato Descrizione dello Stato di spedizione
The item sent from the office of exchange of origin country to the destination country
The item admitted from the sender (CN) and handed over for dispatch (LT)
The item accepted from the sender
Information received, shipment ready for destination
The item sent to the delivery post office
The item in sorting centre
The item at sorting centre
The item arrived at the office of exchange of the destination country
The item is being prepared for customs inspection in the destination country
The item received at the delivery post office
The item delivered to recipient
The item handed over to the postman for delivery
Unsuccessful delivery
The item arrived at the office of exchange of origin country
The item is in the delivery post officeWorking hours of post offices are available at www.lietuvospaš Postal items storage term is indicated in delivery notice. More information is available at www.lietuvospaš Also, a person ano
The item is being prepared for customs inspection. More information is available in the FAQ list (www.lietuvospaš is necessary to provide additional documentation that the shipment would be cleared through customs. To submit the documents
The item is being prepared for customs inspection. More information is available in the FAQ list (www.lietuvospaš
The item sent from the office of exchange of the transit country
The item is being returned to the sender due to any of these reasons: expired retention period; the sender failed to collect the item; the address given on the item is incorrect; impossible to locate the addressee's place of stay; the addressee does not r
The item is returned to the sender
The item handed over to the courier/postman or deposited with the post office for handing in considering the type of the item
Information received, shipment ready for destination:
The item arrived at the office of exchange of the transit country

by tisunov