네덜란드 메일 -Postnl

국가 우편 운영자


네덜란드 메일 -Postnl 패키지 및 배송 추적

Parcels on iPhone and Android

iPhone 또는 Android용 Parcels 앱을 다운로드하여 패키지 위치를 항상 파악하고 패키지 추적 변경 시 푸시 알림을 받으세요.

네덜란드 메일 -Postnl 추적 상태

상태 설명
The item is pre-advised
The item is on transport to the country of destination
The item is at the PostNL sorting center
The item is ready for shipment
The item has arrived in the country of destination
The item has been processed in the country of destination
The item has left the originating country
The item has arrived in the transit airport
The item is received by the shipper in the originating country
The item has been delivered successfully
The delivery of the item was unsuccessful
The item is at the handover point from freight carrier to PostNL
The Item is at the shippers warehouse
The item is being processed by customs
Undeliverable item, has been returned to shipper
Arrived at PostNL – Item not allowed (X-ray) and rejected
The item is in transit
Receive item at delivery office (Inb)
The item is processed at the PostNL sorting center
The item has been collected by the freight agent
The item is not allowed due to import regulations and rejected
Item released after secondary registration process
Undeliverable item, will be returned to sender
The consignment has arrived in the country of destination
Departure From Outward Office Of Exchange
In lavorazione presso il Centro Operativo Postale
Presa in carico
In lavorazione presso il Centro Scambi Internazionale
Partito dal Centro Scambi Internazionale
Item in transit
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG04265568
Item received
Consignment received at the PostNL Acceptance Centre
The item is lodged to airport warehouse in originating country
Final delivery
Arrival at delivery office
Transmission for delivery
Departure from inward office of exchange
Held by customs
Arrival at inward office of exchange

by tisunov