중국 물류 회사

SUNYOU- 시트랙 패키지 및 배송 추적

Parcels on iPhone and Android

iPhone 또는 Android용 Parcels 앱을 다운로드하여 패키지 위치를 항상 파악하고 패키지 추적 변경 시 푸시 알림을 받으세요.

SUNYOU- 시트랙 추적 상태

상태 설명
Item Sent to BRAZIL
Departed transit country
Arrived in transit country
Departed Hong Kong Airport
Item Posted Over The Counter to Brazil
Departed Sunyou Facility
Dispatch PreAlert to Brazil
Acceptance, Sent to BRAZIL
Item Arrived at Russian Fed.
Item Posted Over The Counter to Russian Fed.
Dispatch PreAlert to Russian Fed.
Change of delivery address
Import Received HUB
Consignment in Warehouse
Import received at destination depot
The consignment has been onforwarded for transportation to a destination
Allocated to a unit / container or separately in truck
Released from customs
Consignment data transhipped
Entered to warehouse
Item Posted Over The Counter to Russian Fed.
Dispatch PreAlert to Russian Fed.
Acceptance, Sent to UKRAINE
Pre Alert to UKRAINE

by tisunov