
물류 회사


Xpost 패키지 및 배송 추적

Parcels 앱을 사용하면 Xpost 배송은 물론 중국, 홍콩, 싱가포르, 말레이시아에서 배송되는 모든 패키지를 추적할 수 있습니다.

Parcels on iPhone and Android

iPhone 또는 Android용 Parcels 앱을 다운로드하여 패키지 위치를 항상 파악하고 패키지 추적 변경 시 푸시 알림을 받으세요.

Xpost 추적 상태

상태 설명
Cancelled order The order has been canceled.
Delivery failed due to *show reason of failed delivery*
Order is in-transit The order is on the way to the buyer.
Pick up failed due to *show reason of failed pick up*
Please expect delivery within the day The order is about to be delivered to buyer location.
Return to Seller Completed The order has been successfully sent back to the sender
Return to Seller failed due to *show reason*
Return to Seller Initiated The order is en route back to the seller.
Scheduled For Pick up The order is ready for pick up from the seller. The order has been confirmed and ready for processing.
Successful Pick up The order has been successfully picked up.
Successfully delivered *name of recipient* The order has been successfully delivered.

by tisunov