
Logistiek bedrijf

Amazon pakket en zending volgen

Met de apppakketjes kunt u de status en de locatie van uw pakket volgen door Amazon bijhouden.

Parcels on iPhone and Android

Download ParcelsApp voor iPhone of Android om altijd te weten waar uw pakketten zijn en druk op meldingen wanneer pakketvolgorde verandert.

Amazon pakketstatussen

Staat Omschrijving
Pickup scheduled with Carrier.
Package has left the seller's premises and is on the way to the carrier
Package arrived at an Amazon facility. San Bernardino, CALIFORNIA, US
Carrier picked up the package.
Package left an Amazon facility. San Bernardino, CALIFORNIA, US
Package arrived at a carrier facility.
Package being processed at carrier facility.
Package is out for delivery.
Package held by carrier as the delivery address is incomplete. Please contact the carrier to update your address information.

by tisunov