O FedEx Express inventou a distribuição expressa e continua a ser o líder global da indústria, fornecendo uma entrega rápida, confiável e com prazo definido em mais de 220 países e territórios. A FedEx Express é a maior empresa de transporte expresso do mundo, oferecendo serviços rápidos e confiáveis por mais de 3,9 milhões de remessas por dia útil.
O pacote é o aplicativo iOS e Android, que o ajudará a rastrear os envios entregues por FedEx.
Estado | Description |
Shipment information sent to U.S. Postal Service | USPS was notified about incoming package |
In transit to U.S. Postal Service | Truck is hauling pallet of packages to USPS local post office |
In transit to local Post Office - Allow two to three additional days for delivery | |
Accepted by U.S. Postal Service | USPS is now in possesion of your SmartPost package |
At local FedEx facility | Being processed in FedEx sorting center |
Package delivered by U.S. Postal Service to addressee | SmartPost package was delivered to addressee by USPS |
Scheduled for delivery next business day | |
Alternate delivery requested | |
Arrived at FedEx location | |
Customer not available or business closed | |
On FedEx vehicle for delivery | |
In transit | |
Departed FedEx location | |
Recipient unknown - Unable to deliver shipment - Returning to shipper | |
Barcode label unreadable and replaced | |
Picked up | |
Shipment information sent to FedEx | |
Tendered at FedEx location | |
Package received after final location pickup has occurred. Scheduled for pickup next business day. |
by tisunov