Correio da Finlândia

Serviço postal nacional da Finlândia

+358 200 71000

Acompanhe pacotes "Correio da Finlândia», envios e entregas

A Itella é sua primeira escolha nos serviços de correios, logística e comércio eletrônico. Gerenciamos o fluxo de comércio e a vida cotidiana em 11 países. Nossas vendas líquidas em 2013 somaram 1.977 milhões de euros. Empregamos cerca de 26 mil profissionais. Oferecemos serviços corporativos sob a marca Itella, enquanto a marca Posti é utilizada para serviços voltados para consumidores na Finlândia. A Itella é de propriedade do estado da Finlândia, proporcionando-nos uma base credível e compromisso a longo prazo com nossa estratégia. Os clientes comerciais representam aproximadamente 96% das vendas líquidas. Nossas principais indústrias de clientes incluem a mídia e as indústrias de comércio e serviços. A partir de 1º de janeiro de 2015, a Itella Corporation mudará o nome da empresa para a Posti Group Corporation. No futuro, a Posti servirá clientes de consumo e de negócios sob uma marca de serviço. A mudança melhorará ainda mais a experiência do cliente e esclarecerá a identidade da empresa como serviços finlandeses de correios, logística e comércio eletrônico. Uma Assembléia Geral Extraordinária da Itella tomou a decisão de mudar o nome do grupo. A partir de 1º de janeiro de 2015, o novo nome da Itella Corporation será o Posti Group Corporation.

Com o aplicativo Parcels, você pode acompanhar a carga Correio da Finlândia, bem como quaisquer transferências da China, Hong Kong, Cingapura, Malásia.

Parcels on iPhone and Android

Baixe o aplicativo Parcels para iPhone ou Android para saber sempre onde estão seus pacotes e obter notificações Push quando o acompanhamento do pacote muda.

Correio da Finlândia possíveis estados de rastreamento

Estado Description
Item has been registered
The item is not yet in Posti
The item is in transport
Item has arrived to warehouse
The item is on its way to the destination country
Item has departed from the warehouse
Item arrived in the destination country
In transit
Item ready for pick up at the destination country place of collection
Delivery attempt made, addressee not reached
Data has been updated
Item delivered to the recipient
The item is on its way to Finland
The item has been submitted to customs clearance in the destination country
The shipment was not accepted for air transport due to its contents. The shipment may continue as road transport or if ti is not possible, it will be returned to sender
Item ready for pick up at a Post Office collection point against a notice of arrival or item code. Pick up from parcel point with locker code
Item posted in country of origin
Item accepted from transport
Delivery attempt made, but the recipient was not reached. A notice of arrival was left
Submitted to partner transportation
The delivery has arrived at the customs warehouse. You have 20 days from the day of arrival of the delivery to take care of the customs declaration
The item has been sent to the recipient’s new address
Delivery of the item has failed. The item has been forwarded to Posti´s Item Investigation Services
The notice of arrival has been delivered to the recipient's P.O. Box
Shipment information has been saved
Item received for transport
Delivery attempt made, but the recipient was not reached. Delivery will be attempted again at a later time
Item is in delivery transportation
Delivery attempt made, but the recipient was not reached. A notice of arrival was left for the recipient
The delivery has arrived at the customs warehouse. You have 20 days from the day of arrival of the delivery to take care of the customs declaration. Arrived
A deviation has been detected in the item's delivery. Delivery may be delayed
The item has been submitted to customs clearance
Item in process in office of exchange
Item in sorting
The item was left for shipping too late to make it to same day transport. The item will be shipped the following working day
Final delivery
Departure from inward office of exchange
Item held by import Customs
Arrival at inward office of exchange
Depart from transit country or district
Arrive at transit country or district
Airline arrived at destination country
Airline departed from original country
Waiting for pickup
Item arrived in the destination country.
The item is on its way to the destination country.
The item is in transport.
Item has been registered.
The item is not yet in Posti.

by tisunov